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:warning: deprecated/Fenwick_tree.cpp


template <class Abel>
// Abel must be an abelian group.
class Fenwick_tree
    using ary_t = vector<Abel>;
    const size_t n;
    const Abel identity;
    ary_t data;

    explicit Fenwick_tree(size_t _n, Abel _identity = Abel()) : n(_n), identity(_identity), data(n + 1, identity) {}

    // increment data[i] by x.
    void inc(size_t i, Abel x) { for(++i; i <= n; i += i & -i) data[i] += x; }

    // substitute x for data[i].
    void subs(size_t i, Abel x) { inc(i, x - (*this)[i]); }

    // sum of range [0, i).
    Abel sum(size_t i) const
        Abel ret = identity;
        for(; i; i &= (i - 1)) ret += data[i];
        return ret;

    // sum of range [l, r).
    Abel sum(size_t l, size_t r) const { return sum(r) - sum(l); }

    // get data[i]
    Abel operator[](size_t i) const { return sum(i + 1) - sum(i); }

    // maximum i where range [0, i) meets the condition.
    size_t bound(const std::function<bool(Abel)> &f)
        Abel now = identity;
        size_t l = 0, r = n + 1;
        size_t bit = 1;
        while(bit <= n)
            bit <<= 1;
        while(r - l > 1)
            while(bit >= r - l)
                bit >>= 1;
            if(f(now + data[l + bit]))
                now += data[l + bit];
                l += bit;
                r = l + bit;
        return l;
}; // class Fenwick_tree

template <class Abel>
// class Abel must be an abelian group.
struct Dynamic_fenwick_tree
    const size_t n;
    const Abel identity;
    std::unordered_map<size_t, Abel> data;

    explicit Dynamic_fenwick_tree(size_t _n, Abel _identity = Abel())
        : n(_n), identity(_identity)

    void inc(size_t i, Abel x)
        for(++i; i <= n; i += i & -i)
            data[i] += x;

    void subs(size_t i, Abel x)
        inc(i, x - (*this)[i]);

    // sum of range [0, i).
    Abel sum(size_t i)
        Abel ret = identity;
        for(; i; i &= i - 1)
            ret += data[i];
        return ret;

    // sum of range [l, r).
    Abel sum(size_t l, size_t r)
        return l < r ? sum(r) - sum(l) : identity;

    Abel operator[](size_t i)
        return sum(i + 1) - sum(i);

    // maximum i where range [0, i) meets the condition.
    size_t bound(const std::function<bool(Abel)> &f)
        Abel now = identity;
        size_t l = 0, r = n + 1;
        size_t bit = 1;
        while(bit <= n)
            bit <<= 1;
        while(r - l > 1)
            while(bit >= r - l)
                bit >>= 1;
            if(f(now + data[l + bit]))
                now += data[l + bit];
                l += bit;
                r = l + bit;
        return l;
}; // class Dynamic_fenwick_tree

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
template <class Abel, typename index_t = int_fast64_t>
// class Abel must be an abelian group.
struct Bidirectional_fenwick_tree
    std::unordered_map<uint_fast64_t, Abel> p_dat, n_dat;
    const index_t inf;
    const Abel identity;

    explicit Bidirectional_fenwick_tree(
        const index_t _inf = std::numeric_limits<index_t>::max(),
        const Abel &_identity = Abel())
        : inf(_inf), identity(_identity)

    void inc(index_t i, Abel x)
        if(i >= 0)
            for(++i; i <= inf; i += i & -i)
                p_dat[i] += x;
            for(i = -i; i <= inf; i += i & -i)
                n_dat[i] += x;

    // sum of range [l, r) if l < r, otherwise identity.
    Abel sum(index_t l, index_t r)
        Abel res = identity;
        res += l >= 0 ? -sum(l) : sum(l);
        res += r >= 0 ? sum(r) : -sum(r);
        return l < r ? res : identity;

    // sum of range [0, i) for i >= 0, [i, 0) for i < 0.
    Abel sum(index_t i)
        Abel res = 0;
        if(i >= 0)
            for(; i; i &= i - 1)
                res += p_dat[i];
            for(i = -i; i; i &= i - 1)
                res += n_dat[i];
        return res;
#line 1 "deprecated/Fenwick_tree.cpp"
template <class Abel>
// Abel must be an abelian group.
class Fenwick_tree
    using ary_t = vector<Abel>;
    const size_t n;
    const Abel identity;
    ary_t data;

    explicit Fenwick_tree(size_t _n, Abel _identity = Abel()) : n(_n), identity(_identity), data(n + 1, identity) {}

    // increment data[i] by x.
    void inc(size_t i, Abel x) { for(++i; i <= n; i += i & -i) data[i] += x; }

    // substitute x for data[i].
    void subs(size_t i, Abel x) { inc(i, x - (*this)[i]); }

    // sum of range [0, i).
    Abel sum(size_t i) const
        Abel ret = identity;
        for(; i; i &= (i - 1)) ret += data[i];
        return ret;

    // sum of range [l, r).
    Abel sum(size_t l, size_t r) const { return sum(r) - sum(l); }

    // get data[i]
    Abel operator[](size_t i) const { return sum(i + 1) - sum(i); }

    // maximum i where range [0, i) meets the condition.
    size_t bound(const std::function<bool(Abel)> &f)
        Abel now = identity;
        size_t l = 0, r = n + 1;
        size_t bit = 1;
        while(bit <= n)
            bit <<= 1;
        while(r - l > 1)
            while(bit >= r - l)
                bit >>= 1;
            if(f(now + data[l + bit]))
                now += data[l + bit];
                l += bit;
                r = l + bit;
        return l;
}; // class Fenwick_tree

template <class Abel>
// class Abel must be an abelian group.
struct Dynamic_fenwick_tree
    const size_t n;
    const Abel identity;
    std::unordered_map<size_t, Abel> data;

    explicit Dynamic_fenwick_tree(size_t _n, Abel _identity = Abel())
        : n(_n), identity(_identity)

    void inc(size_t i, Abel x)
        for(++i; i <= n; i += i & -i)
            data[i] += x;

    void subs(size_t i, Abel x)
        inc(i, x - (*this)[i]);

    // sum of range [0, i).
    Abel sum(size_t i)
        Abel ret = identity;
        for(; i; i &= i - 1)
            ret += data[i];
        return ret;

    // sum of range [l, r).
    Abel sum(size_t l, size_t r)
        return l < r ? sum(r) - sum(l) : identity;

    Abel operator[](size_t i)
        return sum(i + 1) - sum(i);

    // maximum i where range [0, i) meets the condition.
    size_t bound(const std::function<bool(Abel)> &f)
        Abel now = identity;
        size_t l = 0, r = n + 1;
        size_t bit = 1;
        while(bit <= n)
            bit <<= 1;
        while(r - l > 1)
            while(bit >= r - l)
                bit >>= 1;
            if(f(now + data[l + bit]))
                now += data[l + bit];
                l += bit;
                r = l + bit;
        return l;
}; // class Dynamic_fenwick_tree

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
template <class Abel, typename index_t = int_fast64_t>
// class Abel must be an abelian group.
struct Bidirectional_fenwick_tree
    std::unordered_map<uint_fast64_t, Abel> p_dat, n_dat;
    const index_t inf;
    const Abel identity;

    explicit Bidirectional_fenwick_tree(
        const index_t _inf = std::numeric_limits<index_t>::max(),
        const Abel &_identity = Abel())
        : inf(_inf), identity(_identity)

    void inc(index_t i, Abel x)
        if(i >= 0)
            for(++i; i <= inf; i += i & -i)
                p_dat[i] += x;
            for(i = -i; i <= inf; i += i & -i)
                n_dat[i] += x;

    // sum of range [l, r) if l < r, otherwise identity.
    Abel sum(index_t l, index_t r)
        Abel res = identity;
        res += l >= 0 ? -sum(l) : sum(l);
        res += r >= 0 ? sum(r) : -sum(r);
        return l < r ? res : identity;

    // sum of range [0, i) for i >= 0, [i, 0) for i < 0.
    Abel sum(index_t i)
        Abel res = 0;
        if(i >= 0)
            for(; i; i &= i - 1)
                res += p_dat[i];
            for(i = -i; i; i &= i - 1)
                res += n_dat[i];
        return res;
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