This documentation is automatically generated by online-judge-tools/verification-helper
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
namespace math
template <class int_t> std::vector<int_t> prime_factorization(int_t x)
std::vector<int_t> res(__builtin_ctzll(x), 2); x >>= __builtin_ctzll(x);
for(int_t p{3}; p * p <= x; p += 2) while(!(x % p)) x /= p, res.emplace_back(p);
if(x > 1) res.emplace_back(x); return res;
template <class int_t> constexpr int_t gcd(int_t x, int_t y) { x = x > 0 ? x : -x, y = y > 0 ? y : -y; while(y) y ^= x ^= y ^= x %= y; return x; }
template <class int_t> constexpr int_t lcm(int_t x, int_t y) { return x ? x / gcd(x, y) * y : 0; }
// a tuple (g, x, y) s.t. g = gcd(a, b) && ax + by = g.
template <class int_t> constexpr std::tuple<int_t, int_t, int_t> ext_gcd(int_t a, int_t b)
int_t sgn_a{a >= 0 ? 1 : (a = -a, 0)}, sgn_b{b >= 0 ? 1 : (b = -b, 0)};
int_t p{1}, q{}, r{}, s{1}, t{};
r ^= p ^= r ^= p -= (t = a / b) * r;
s ^= q ^= s ^= q -= t * s;
b ^= a ^= b ^= a %= b;
return std::tuple<int_t, int_t, int_t>(a, sgn_a ? p : -p, sgn_b ? q : -q);
// a pair (x, y) s.t. "x mod y" is true iff "k mod m" && "l mod n", (-1, -1) if not exist.
template <class int_t>
constexpr std::pair<int_t, int_t> modulo_composition(int_t k, int_t m, int_t l, int_t n)
assert(m > 0 and n > 0);
int_t g, x, y; std::tie(g, x, y) = ext_gcd(m, n);
k += ((k %= m) < 0) * m, l += ((l %= n) < 0) * n;
int_t s = k / g, t = l / g, r = k % g;
if(r != l % g) return std::pair<int_t, int_t>{-1, -1};
int_t lcm = m / g * n;
return std::pair<int_t, int_t>{(m * x % lcm * t % lcm + n * y % lcm * s % lcm + r + lcm * 2) % lcm, lcm};
} // namespace math
#line 1 "deprecated/math_utility.cpp"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
namespace math
template <class int_t> std::vector<int_t> prime_factorization(int_t x)
std::vector<int_t> res(__builtin_ctzll(x), 2); x >>= __builtin_ctzll(x);
for(int_t p{3}; p * p <= x; p += 2) while(!(x % p)) x /= p, res.emplace_back(p);
if(x > 1) res.emplace_back(x); return res;
template <class int_t> constexpr int_t gcd(int_t x, int_t y) { x = x > 0 ? x : -x, y = y > 0 ? y : -y; while(y) y ^= x ^= y ^= x %= y; return x; }
template <class int_t> constexpr int_t lcm(int_t x, int_t y) { return x ? x / gcd(x, y) * y : 0; }
// a tuple (g, x, y) s.t. g = gcd(a, b) && ax + by = g.
template <class int_t> constexpr std::tuple<int_t, int_t, int_t> ext_gcd(int_t a, int_t b)
int_t sgn_a{a >= 0 ? 1 : (a = -a, 0)}, sgn_b{b >= 0 ? 1 : (b = -b, 0)};
int_t p{1}, q{}, r{}, s{1}, t{};
r ^= p ^= r ^= p -= (t = a / b) * r;
s ^= q ^= s ^= q -= t * s;
b ^= a ^= b ^= a %= b;
return std::tuple<int_t, int_t, int_t>(a, sgn_a ? p : -p, sgn_b ? q : -q);
// a pair (x, y) s.t. "x mod y" is true iff "k mod m" && "l mod n", (-1, -1) if not exist.
template <class int_t>
constexpr std::pair<int_t, int_t> modulo_composition(int_t k, int_t m, int_t l, int_t n)
assert(m > 0 and n > 0);
int_t g, x, y; std::tie(g, x, y) = ext_gcd(m, n);
k += ((k %= m) < 0) * m, l += ((l %= n) < 0) * n;
int_t s = k / g, t = l / g, r = k % g;
if(r != l % g) return std::pair<int_t, int_t>{-1, -1};
int_t lcm = m / g * n;
return std::pair<int_t, int_t>{(m * x % lcm * t % lcm + n * y % lcm * s % lcm + r + lcm * 2) % lcm, lcm};
} // namespace math