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#include "src/algebra/linear/matrix.hpp"
#pragma once
* @file matrix.hpp
* @brief Matrix
* @date 2021-02-15
#include <cassert>
#include <valarray>
namespace workspace {
* @brief Fixed size matrix.
* @tparam _Scalar
* @tparam _Rows Number of rows
* @tparam _Cols Number of columns
template <class _Scalar, std::size_t _Rows = 0, std::size_t _Cols = _Rows>
class matrix {
_Scalar __data[_Rows][_Cols] = {};
using value_type = _Scalar;
using size_type = std::size_t;
constexpr static matrix eye() {
static_assert(_Rows == _Cols);
matrix __e;
for (size_type __d = 0; __d != _Rows; ++__d) __e.__data[__d][__d] = 1;
return __e;
constexpr operator decltype((__data))() { return __data; }
constexpr operator decltype(std::declval<const matrix>().__data)
const&() const {
return __data;
constexpr auto begin() { return __data; }
constexpr auto begin() const { return __data; }
constexpr auto end() { return __data + _Rows; }
constexpr auto end() const { return __data + _Rows; }
constexpr size_type rows() const { return _Rows; }
constexpr size_type cols() const { return _Cols; }
constexpr auto transpose() const {
matrix<_Scalar, _Cols, _Rows> __t;
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != _Rows; ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != _Cols; ++__c)
__t.__data[__c][__r] = __data[__r][__c];
return __t;
constexpr matrix operator+() const { return *this; }
constexpr matrix operator-() const {
matrix __cp = *this;
for (auto& __v : __cp.__data)
for (auto& __e : __v) __e = -__e;
return __cp;
template <class _Matrix> constexpr matrix& operator+=(const _Matrix& __x) {
auto __m = std::min(_Rows, __x.rows());
auto __n = std::min(_Cols, __x.cols());
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __m; ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != __n; ++__c)
__data[__r][__c] += __x[__r][__c];
return *this;
template <class _Matrix>
constexpr matrix operator+(const _Matrix& __x) const {
return matrix(*this) += __x;
template <class _Matrix> constexpr matrix& operator-=(const _Matrix& __x) {
auto __m = std::min(_Rows, __x.rows());
auto __n = std::min(_Cols, __x.cols());
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __m; ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != __n; ++__c)
__data[__r][__c] -= __x[__r][__c];
return *this;
template <class _Matrix>
constexpr matrix operator-(const _Matrix& __x) const {
return matrix(*this) -= __x;
template <class _Scalar2>
constexpr matrix& operator*=(const matrix<_Scalar2, _Cols, _Cols>& __x) {
if (this == &__x) return operator=(operator*(__x));
for (auto& __r : __data) {
_Scalar __tmp[_Cols] = {};
auto __v = *__x.__data;
for (auto& __w : __tmp) {
auto __i = __v++;
for (const auto& __e : __r) __w += __e * *__i, __i += _Cols;
auto __w = __tmp;
for (auto& __e : __r) __e = std::move(*__w++);
return *this;
template <class _Scalar2, size_type _Rows2, size_type _Cols2>
constexpr auto operator*(const matrix<_Scalar2, _Rows2, _Cols2>& __x) const {
matrix<typename std::common_type<_Scalar, _Scalar2>::type, _Rows, _Cols2>
auto __w = *__m.__data;
for (const auto& __r : __data)
for (auto __v = *__x.__data, __v_end = __v + _Cols2; __v != __v_end;
++__w) {
auto __i = __v++;
for (auto __e = __r; __e != __r + std::min(_Cols, _Rows2); ++__e)
*__w += *__e * *__i, __i += _Cols2;
return __m;
template <class _Matrix>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<_Matrix, value_type>::value,
operator*(const _Matrix& __x) const {
matrix<_Scalar> __m(_Rows, __x.cols());
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != _Rows; ++__r)
for (size_type __i = 0; __i != __x.cols(); ++__i)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != std::min(_Cols, __x.rows()); ++__c)
__m[__r][__i] += __data[__r][__c] * __x[__c][__i];
return __m;
constexpr matrix& operator*=(const value_type& __x) {
for (auto& __v : __data)
for (auto& __e : __v) __e *= __x;
return *this;
constexpr matrix operator*(const value_type& __x) const {
return matrix(*this) *= __x;
constexpr matrix& operator/=(const value_type& __x) {
assert(__x != value_type(0));
for (auto& __v : __data)
for (auto& __e : __v) __e /= __x;
return *this;
constexpr matrix operator/(const value_type& __x) const {
return matrix(*this) /= __x;
template <class _Int> constexpr matrix pow(_Int __e) const {
assert(0 <= __e);
matrix __m = eye();
for (matrix __cp = *this; __e; __cp *= __cp, __e >>= 1)
if (__e & 1) __m *= __cp;
return __m;
template <class _Os>
constexpr friend _Os& operator<<(_Os& __os, const matrix& __x) {
for (auto __i = __x.begin(); __i != __x.end(); ++__i, __os << '\n')
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != _Cols; ++__c)
__c ? void(__os << ' ') : (void)0, __os << *(*__i + __c);
return __os;
}; // namespace workspace
* @brief Dynamic matrix.
* @tparam _Scalar
* @tparam _Rows Number of rows
* @tparam _Cols Number of columns
template <class _Scalar>
class matrix<_Scalar, 0, 0> : public std::valarray<std::valarray<_Scalar>> {
using base = std::valarray<std::valarray<_Scalar>>;
using row_type = typename base::value_type;
using value_type = _Scalar;
using size_type = std::size_t;
using base::operator[];
static matrix eye(size_type __n) {
matrix __e(__n, __n);
for (size_type __d = 0; __d != __n; ++__d) __e[__d][__d] = 1;
return __e;
matrix() = default;
matrix(size_type __n) : matrix(__n, __n) {}
matrix(size_type __m, size_type __n) : base(row_type(__n), __m) {}
template <class _Tp, typename = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_constructible<base, _Tp>::value &&
!std::is_constructible<size_type, _Tp>::value>::type>
matrix(_Tp&& __x) : base(__x) {}
matrix(std::initializer_list<row_type> __x) : base(__x) {}
size_type rows() const { return base::size(); }
size_type cols() const { return rows() ? operator[](0).size() : 0; }
matrix transpose() const {
matrix __t(cols(), rows());
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != rows(); ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != cols(); ++__c)
__t[__c][__r] = operator[](__r)[__c];
return __t;
void resize(size_type __m, size_type __n) {
matrix __t(__m, __n);
if (rows() < __m) __m = rows();
if (cols() < __n) __n = cols();
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __m; ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != __n; ++__c)
__t[__r][__c] = std::move(operator[](__r)[__c]);
// binary operators {{
template <class _Matrix, typename = void>
struct is_valarray_based : std::false_type {};
template <class _Matrix>
struct is_valarray_based<
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<
row_type, typename std::decay<decltype(
: std::true_type {};
template <class _Matrix>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<_Matrix, value_type>::value,
operator*=(_Matrix&& __x) {
return *this = operator*(std::forward<_Matrix>(__x));
template <class _Matrix>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<_Matrix, value_type>::value,
operator*(const _Matrix& __x) const {
matrix __m(rows(), __x.cols());
if constexpr (is_valarray_based<_Matrix>::value)
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != rows(); ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != std::min(cols(), __x.rows()); ++__c)
__m[__r] += operator[](__r)[__c] * __x[__c];
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != rows(); ++__r)
for (size_type __i = 0; __i != __x.cols(); ++__i)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != std::min(cols(), __x.rows()); ++__c)
__m[__r][__i] += operator[](__r)[__c] * __x[__c][__i];
return __m;
matrix& operator*=(const value_type& __x) {
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != rows(); ++__r)
return *this;
matrix operator*(const value_type& __x) const { return matrix(*this) *= __x; }
friend matrix operator*(const value_type& __x, matrix __i) {
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __i.rows(); ++__r)
__i.operator[](__r) = __x * __i.operator[](__r);
return __i;
matrix& operator/=(const value_type& __x) {
assert(__x != value_type(0));
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != rows(); ++__r)
return *this;
matrix operator/(const value_type& __x) const { return matrix(*this) /= __x; }
// }} binary operators
template <class _Int> matrix pow(_Int __e) const {
assert(0 <= __e);
matrix __m = eye(rows());
for (matrix __cp = *this; __e; __cp *= __cp, __e >>= 1)
if (__e & 1) __m *= __cp;
return __m;
// template <class _Is> friend _Is& operator>>(_Is& __is, matrix& __x) {
// for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __x.rows(); ++__r)
// for (size_type __c = 0; __c != __x.cols(); ++__c)
// __is >> __x.operator[](__r).operator[](__c);
// return __is;
// }
template <class _Os> friend _Os& operator<<(_Os& __os, const matrix& __x) {
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __x.rows(); ++__r, __os << '\n')
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != __x.cols(); ++__c)
__c ? void(__os << ' ') : (void)0,
__os << __x.operator[](__r).operator[](__c);
return __os;
} // namespace workspace
#line 2 "src/algebra/linear/matrix.hpp"
* @file matrix.hpp
* @brief Matrix
* @date 2021-02-15
#include <cassert>
#include <valarray>
namespace workspace {
* @brief Fixed size matrix.
* @tparam _Scalar
* @tparam _Rows Number of rows
* @tparam _Cols Number of columns
template <class _Scalar, std::size_t _Rows = 0, std::size_t _Cols = _Rows>
class matrix {
_Scalar __data[_Rows][_Cols] = {};
using value_type = _Scalar;
using size_type = std::size_t;
constexpr static matrix eye() {
static_assert(_Rows == _Cols);
matrix __e;
for (size_type __d = 0; __d != _Rows; ++__d) __e.__data[__d][__d] = 1;
return __e;
constexpr operator decltype((__data))() { return __data; }
constexpr operator decltype(std::declval<const matrix>().__data)
const&() const {
return __data;
constexpr auto begin() { return __data; }
constexpr auto begin() const { return __data; }
constexpr auto end() { return __data + _Rows; }
constexpr auto end() const { return __data + _Rows; }
constexpr size_type rows() const { return _Rows; }
constexpr size_type cols() const { return _Cols; }
constexpr auto transpose() const {
matrix<_Scalar, _Cols, _Rows> __t;
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != _Rows; ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != _Cols; ++__c)
__t.__data[__c][__r] = __data[__r][__c];
return __t;
constexpr matrix operator+() const { return *this; }
constexpr matrix operator-() const {
matrix __cp = *this;
for (auto& __v : __cp.__data)
for (auto& __e : __v) __e = -__e;
return __cp;
template <class _Matrix> constexpr matrix& operator+=(const _Matrix& __x) {
auto __m = std::min(_Rows, __x.rows());
auto __n = std::min(_Cols, __x.cols());
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __m; ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != __n; ++__c)
__data[__r][__c] += __x[__r][__c];
return *this;
template <class _Matrix>
constexpr matrix operator+(const _Matrix& __x) const {
return matrix(*this) += __x;
template <class _Matrix> constexpr matrix& operator-=(const _Matrix& __x) {
auto __m = std::min(_Rows, __x.rows());
auto __n = std::min(_Cols, __x.cols());
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __m; ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != __n; ++__c)
__data[__r][__c] -= __x[__r][__c];
return *this;
template <class _Matrix>
constexpr matrix operator-(const _Matrix& __x) const {
return matrix(*this) -= __x;
template <class _Scalar2>
constexpr matrix& operator*=(const matrix<_Scalar2, _Cols, _Cols>& __x) {
if (this == &__x) return operator=(operator*(__x));
for (auto& __r : __data) {
_Scalar __tmp[_Cols] = {};
auto __v = *__x.__data;
for (auto& __w : __tmp) {
auto __i = __v++;
for (const auto& __e : __r) __w += __e * *__i, __i += _Cols;
auto __w = __tmp;
for (auto& __e : __r) __e = std::move(*__w++);
return *this;
template <class _Scalar2, size_type _Rows2, size_type _Cols2>
constexpr auto operator*(const matrix<_Scalar2, _Rows2, _Cols2>& __x) const {
matrix<typename std::common_type<_Scalar, _Scalar2>::type, _Rows, _Cols2>
auto __w = *__m.__data;
for (const auto& __r : __data)
for (auto __v = *__x.__data, __v_end = __v + _Cols2; __v != __v_end;
++__w) {
auto __i = __v++;
for (auto __e = __r; __e != __r + std::min(_Cols, _Rows2); ++__e)
*__w += *__e * *__i, __i += _Cols2;
return __m;
template <class _Matrix>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<_Matrix, value_type>::value,
operator*(const _Matrix& __x) const {
matrix<_Scalar> __m(_Rows, __x.cols());
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != _Rows; ++__r)
for (size_type __i = 0; __i != __x.cols(); ++__i)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != std::min(_Cols, __x.rows()); ++__c)
__m[__r][__i] += __data[__r][__c] * __x[__c][__i];
return __m;
constexpr matrix& operator*=(const value_type& __x) {
for (auto& __v : __data)
for (auto& __e : __v) __e *= __x;
return *this;
constexpr matrix operator*(const value_type& __x) const {
return matrix(*this) *= __x;
constexpr matrix& operator/=(const value_type& __x) {
assert(__x != value_type(0));
for (auto& __v : __data)
for (auto& __e : __v) __e /= __x;
return *this;
constexpr matrix operator/(const value_type& __x) const {
return matrix(*this) /= __x;
template <class _Int> constexpr matrix pow(_Int __e) const {
assert(0 <= __e);
matrix __m = eye();
for (matrix __cp = *this; __e; __cp *= __cp, __e >>= 1)
if (__e & 1) __m *= __cp;
return __m;
template <class _Os>
constexpr friend _Os& operator<<(_Os& __os, const matrix& __x) {
for (auto __i = __x.begin(); __i != __x.end(); ++__i, __os << '\n')
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != _Cols; ++__c)
__c ? void(__os << ' ') : (void)0, __os << *(*__i + __c);
return __os;
}; // namespace workspace
* @brief Dynamic matrix.
* @tparam _Scalar
* @tparam _Rows Number of rows
* @tparam _Cols Number of columns
template <class _Scalar>
class matrix<_Scalar, 0, 0> : public std::valarray<std::valarray<_Scalar>> {
using base = std::valarray<std::valarray<_Scalar>>;
using row_type = typename base::value_type;
using value_type = _Scalar;
using size_type = std::size_t;
using base::operator[];
static matrix eye(size_type __n) {
matrix __e(__n, __n);
for (size_type __d = 0; __d != __n; ++__d) __e[__d][__d] = 1;
return __e;
matrix() = default;
matrix(size_type __n) : matrix(__n, __n) {}
matrix(size_type __m, size_type __n) : base(row_type(__n), __m) {}
template <class _Tp, typename = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_constructible<base, _Tp>::value &&
!std::is_constructible<size_type, _Tp>::value>::type>
matrix(_Tp&& __x) : base(__x) {}
matrix(std::initializer_list<row_type> __x) : base(__x) {}
size_type rows() const { return base::size(); }
size_type cols() const { return rows() ? operator[](0).size() : 0; }
matrix transpose() const {
matrix __t(cols(), rows());
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != rows(); ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != cols(); ++__c)
__t[__c][__r] = operator[](__r)[__c];
return __t;
void resize(size_type __m, size_type __n) {
matrix __t(__m, __n);
if (rows() < __m) __m = rows();
if (cols() < __n) __n = cols();
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __m; ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != __n; ++__c)
__t[__r][__c] = std::move(operator[](__r)[__c]);
// binary operators {{
template <class _Matrix, typename = void>
struct is_valarray_based : std::false_type {};
template <class _Matrix>
struct is_valarray_based<
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<
row_type, typename std::decay<decltype(
: std::true_type {};
template <class _Matrix>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<_Matrix, value_type>::value,
operator*=(_Matrix&& __x) {
return *this = operator*(std::forward<_Matrix>(__x));
template <class _Matrix>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<_Matrix, value_type>::value,
operator*(const _Matrix& __x) const {
matrix __m(rows(), __x.cols());
if constexpr (is_valarray_based<_Matrix>::value)
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != rows(); ++__r)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != std::min(cols(), __x.rows()); ++__c)
__m[__r] += operator[](__r)[__c] * __x[__c];
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != rows(); ++__r)
for (size_type __i = 0; __i != __x.cols(); ++__i)
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != std::min(cols(), __x.rows()); ++__c)
__m[__r][__i] += operator[](__r)[__c] * __x[__c][__i];
return __m;
matrix& operator*=(const value_type& __x) {
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != rows(); ++__r)
return *this;
matrix operator*(const value_type& __x) const { return matrix(*this) *= __x; }
friend matrix operator*(const value_type& __x, matrix __i) {
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __i.rows(); ++__r)
__i.operator[](__r) = __x * __i.operator[](__r);
return __i;
matrix& operator/=(const value_type& __x) {
assert(__x != value_type(0));
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != rows(); ++__r)
return *this;
matrix operator/(const value_type& __x) const { return matrix(*this) /= __x; }
// }} binary operators
template <class _Int> matrix pow(_Int __e) const {
assert(0 <= __e);
matrix __m = eye(rows());
for (matrix __cp = *this; __e; __cp *= __cp, __e >>= 1)
if (__e & 1) __m *= __cp;
return __m;
// template <class _Is> friend _Is& operator>>(_Is& __is, matrix& __x) {
// for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __x.rows(); ++__r)
// for (size_type __c = 0; __c != __x.cols(); ++__c)
// __is >> __x.operator[](__r).operator[](__c);
// return __is;
// }
template <class _Os> friend _Os& operator<<(_Os& __os, const matrix& __x) {
for (size_type __r = 0; __r != __x.rows(); ++__r, __os << '\n')
for (size_type __c = 0; __c != __x.cols(); ++__c)
__c ? void(__os << ' ') : (void)0,
__os << __x.operator[](__r).operator[](__c);
return __os;
} // namespace workspace