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:heavy_check_mark: Binomial Coefficient

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#pragma once

 * @file binomial.hpp
 * @brief Binomial Coefficient

#include <cassert>

#include "factorial.hpp"

namespace workspace {

namespace _binom_impl {

struct _binom_table {
  constexpr static int size = 132;
  __uint128_t __b[size][size]{1};

  constexpr _binom_table() noexcept {
    for (int __i = 1; __i != size; ++__i)
      for (int __j = 0; __j != __i; ++__j)
        __b[__i][__j] += __b[__i - 1][__j],
            __b[__i][__j + 1] += __b[__i - 1][__j];

  constexpr auto operator()(int __x, int __y) const noexcept {
    return __x < 0 || __x < __y ? 0 : (assert(__x < size), __b[__x][__y]);

constexpr _binom_table table;

}  // namespace _binom_impl

 * @brief Binomial coefficient for integer args. Be careful with overflow.
template <class _Tp, class _X = int_fast64_t, class _Y = int_fast64_t>
constexpr _Tp binomial(_X __x, _Y __y) {
  if constexpr (is_integral_ext<_Tp>::value)
    return _binom_impl::table(__x, __y);

  if (__y < 0 || __x < __y) return 0;

  return factorial<_Tp>(__x) * inverse_factorial<_Tp>(__y) *
         inverse_factorial<_Tp>(__x - __y);

 * @brief Catalan number.
template <class _Tp, class _X = int_fast64_t> constexpr _Tp catalan(_X __x) {
  return __x < 0
             ? _Tp(0)
             : binomial<_Tp>(__x << 1, __x) - binomial<_Tp>(__x << 1, __x + 1);

}  // namespace workspace
#line 2 "src/combinatorics/binomial.hpp"

 * @file binomial.hpp
 * @brief Binomial Coefficient

#include <cassert>

#line 2 "src/combinatorics/factorial.hpp"

 * @file factorial.hpp
 * @brief Factorial

#include <vector>

namespace workspace {

// Factorial.
template <class _Tp, class _X = int_least64_t> _Tp factorial(_X __x) noexcept {
  if (__x < 0) return 0;
  static std::vector<_Tp> __t{1};
  static size_t __i = (__t.reserve(0x1000000), 0);
  while (__i < size_t(__x)) __t.emplace_back(__t.back() * _Tp(++__i));
  return __t[__x];

// Inverse of factorial.
template <class _Tp, class _X = int_least64_t>
_Tp inverse_factorial(_X __x) noexcept {
  if (__x < 0) return 0;
  static std::vector<_Tp> __t{1};
  static size_t __i = (__t.reserve(0x1000000), 0);
  while (__i < size_t(__x)) __t.emplace_back(__t.back() / _Tp(++__i));
  return __t[__x];

}  // namespace workspace
#line 11 "src/combinatorics/binomial.hpp"

namespace workspace {

namespace _binom_impl {

struct _binom_table {
  constexpr static int size = 132;
  __uint128_t __b[size][size]{1};

  constexpr _binom_table() noexcept {
    for (int __i = 1; __i != size; ++__i)
      for (int __j = 0; __j != __i; ++__j)
        __b[__i][__j] += __b[__i - 1][__j],
            __b[__i][__j + 1] += __b[__i - 1][__j];

  constexpr auto operator()(int __x, int __y) const noexcept {
    return __x < 0 || __x < __y ? 0 : (assert(__x < size), __b[__x][__y]);

constexpr _binom_table table;

}  // namespace _binom_impl

 * @brief Binomial coefficient for integer args. Be careful with overflow.
template <class _Tp, class _X = int_fast64_t, class _Y = int_fast64_t>
constexpr _Tp binomial(_X __x, _Y __y) {
  if constexpr (is_integral_ext<_Tp>::value)
    return _binom_impl::table(__x, __y);

  if (__y < 0 || __x < __y) return 0;

  return factorial<_Tp>(__x) * inverse_factorial<_Tp>(__y) *
         inverse_factorial<_Tp>(__x - __y);

 * @brief Catalan number.
template <class _Tp, class _X = int_fast64_t> constexpr _Tp catalan(_X __x) {
  return __x < 0
             ? _Tp(0)
             : binomial<_Tp>(__x << 1, __x) - binomial<_Tp>(__x << 1, __x + 1);

}  // namespace workspace
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