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:heavy_check_mark: Digraph

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#pragma once

 * @file digraph.h
 * @brief Digraph

#include "base.h"

namespace workspace {

template <class _Attr = _graph_impl::null,
          class _List = std::vector<edge<_Attr>>>
class digraph : public graph_base<_Attr, _List> {
  using base_type = graph_base<_Attr, _List>;

  using typename base_type::edge_type;
  using typename base_type::node_type;
  using typename base_type::size_type;

  using base_type::size;
  using base_type::operator[];

  digraph(size_type __n = 0) : base_type(__n) {}

  auto scc() const noexcept;

template <class _Weight, class _Attr = _graph_impl::null,
          class _List = std::vector<weighted_edge<_Weight, _Attr>>>
using weighted_digraph = digraph<_Attr, _List>;

}  // namespace workspace
#line 2 "src/graph/digraph.h"

 * @file digraph.h
 * @brief Digraph

#line 2 "src/graph/base.h"

 * @file base.h
 * @brief Base

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <list>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

#line 2 "src/graph/edge.h"

 * @file edge.h
 * @brief Edge

#line 2 "lib/cxx17"

#line 2 "lib/cxx14"

#ifndef _CXX14_CONSTEXPR
#if __cplusplus >= 201402L
#define _CXX14_CONSTEXPR constexpr
#define _CXX14_CONSTEXPR
#line 4 "lib/cxx17"

#ifndef _CXX17_CONSTEXPR
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
#define _CXX17_CONSTEXPR constexpr
#define _CXX17_CONSTEXPR

#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
#define _CXX17_STATIC_ASSERT static_assert
#define _CXX17_STATIC_ASSERT assert

#include <iterator>

#if __cplusplus < 201703L

namespace std {

 *  @brief  Return the size of a container.
 *  @param  __cont  Container.
template <typename _Container>
constexpr auto size(const _Container& __cont) noexcept(noexcept(__cont.size()))
    -> decltype(__cont.size()) {
  return __cont.size();

 *  @brief  Return the size of an array.
template <typename _Tp, size_t _Nm>
constexpr size_t size(const _Tp (&)[_Nm]) noexcept {
  return _Nm;

 *  @brief  Return whether a container is empty.
 *  @param  __cont  Container.
template <typename _Container>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto empty(const _Container& __cont) noexcept(
    noexcept(__cont.empty())) -> decltype(__cont.empty()) {
  return __cont.empty();

 *  @brief  Return whether an array is empty (always false).
template <typename _Tp, size_t _Nm>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool empty(const _Tp (&)[_Nm]) noexcept {
  return false;

 *  @brief  Return whether an initializer_list is empty.
 *  @param  __il  Initializer list.
template <typename _Tp>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool empty(initializer_list<_Tp> __il) noexcept {
  return __il.size() == 0;

struct monostate {};

}  // namespace std


#include <variant>

#line 9 "src/graph/edge.h"

namespace workspace {

namespace _graph_impl {

// Default edge attribute.
struct null {};

}  // namespace _graph_impl

template <class _Weight, class _Attr = _graph_impl::null>
struct weighted_edge : _Attr {
  using attribute = _Attr;
  using value_type = _Weight;
  using node_type = size_t;

  node_type tail, head;
  value_type weight{};

  constexpr weighted_edge() = default;

  template <class... _Args>
  constexpr weighted_edge(node_type __u, node_type __v, value_type __c = 0,
                          _Args &&...__args) noexcept
      : _Attr{std::forward<_Args>(__args)...},
        weight(__c) {}

  constexpr bool operator<(const weighted_edge &__e) const noexcept {
    return weight < __e.weight;
  constexpr bool operator<=(const weighted_edge &__e) const noexcept {
    return weight <= __e.weight;
  constexpr bool operator>(const weighted_edge &__e) const noexcept {
    return weight > __e.weight;
  constexpr bool operator>=(const weighted_edge &__e) const noexcept {
    return weight >= __e.weight;

template <class _Attr = _graph_impl::null>
struct edge : weighted_edge<int, _Attr> {
  using base_type = weighted_edge<int, _Attr>;

  using typename base_type::node_type;
  using base_type::operator<;
  using base_type::operator>;

  constexpr edge() = default;

  template <class... _Args>
  constexpr edge(node_type __u, node_type __v, _Args &&...__args) noexcept
      : base_type(__u, __v, __u != __v, std::forward<_Args>(__args)...) {}

template <size_t _Nm, class _Attr>
constexpr std::tuple_element_t<_Nm, edge<_Attr>> &get(
    edge<_Attr> &__e) noexcept {
  if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm > 1)
    return __e;
  else if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm)
    return __e.head;
    return __e.tail;

template <size_t _Nm, class _Attr>
constexpr const std::tuple_element_t<_Nm, edge<_Attr>> &get(
    const edge<_Attr> &__e) noexcept {
  if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm > 1)
    return __e;
  else if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm)
    return __e.head;
    return __e.tail;

template <size_t _Nm, class _Attr>
constexpr std::tuple_element_t<_Nm, edge<_Attr>> &&get(
    edge<_Attr> &&__e) noexcept {
  return std::move(get<_Nm>(__e));

template <size_t _Nm, class _Weight, class _Attr>
constexpr const std::tuple_element_t<_Nm, weighted_edge<_Weight, _Attr>> &get(
    const weighted_edge<_Weight, _Attr> &__e) noexcept {
  if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm > 2)
    return __e;
  else if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm > 1)
    return __e.weight;
  else if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm)
    return __e.head;
    return __e.tail;

template <size_t _Nm, class _Weight, class _Attr>
constexpr std::tuple_element_t<_Nm, weighted_edge<_Weight, _Attr>> &get(
    weighted_edge<_Weight, _Attr> &__e) noexcept {
  if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm > 2)
    return __e;
  else if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm > 1)
    return __e.weight;
  else if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm)
    return __e.head;
    return __e.tail;

template <size_t _Nm, class _Weight, class _Attr>
constexpr std::tuple_element_t<_Nm, weighted_edge<_Weight, _Attr>> &&get(
    weighted_edge<_Weight, _Attr> &&__e) noexcept {
  return std::move(get<_Nm>(__e));

}  // namespace workspace

namespace std {

template <class _Attr>
struct tuple_size<workspace::edge<_Attr>> : integral_constant<size_t, 3> {};

template <>
struct tuple_size<workspace::edge<>> : integral_constant<size_t, 2> {};

template <class _Weight, class _Attr>
struct tuple_size<workspace::weighted_edge<_Weight, _Attr>>
    : integral_constant<size_t, 4> {};

template <class _Weight>
struct tuple_size<workspace::weighted_edge<_Weight>>
    : integral_constant<size_t, 3> {};

template <size_t _Nm, class _Attr>
struct tuple_element<_Nm, workspace::edge<_Attr>> {
  using type = std::conditional_t<(_Nm < 2), size_t, _Attr>;

template <size_t _Nm, class _Weight, class _Attr>
struct tuple_element<_Nm, workspace::weighted_edge<_Weight, _Attr>> {
  using type = std::conditional_t<(_Nm < 2), size_t,
                                  std::conditional_t<_Nm == 2, _Weight, _Attr>>;

}  // namespace std
#line 2 "src/graph/queue.h"

 * @file queue.h
 * @brief Queue

#include <queue>
#include <stack>

namespace workspace {

namespace _graph_impl {

template <class _Base, class = void> struct stl_queue : _Base {
  auto pop() noexcept {
    auto __tmp = std::move(_Base::front());
    return __tmp;

template <class _Base>
struct stl_queue<_Base, std::__void_t<decltype(std::declval<_Base>().top())>>
    : _Base {
  auto pop() noexcept {
    auto __tmp = std::move(_Base::top());
    return __tmp;

}  // namespace _graph_impl

}  // namespace workspace
#line 16 "src/graph/base.h"

namespace workspace {

template <class _Attr = _graph_impl::null,
          class _List = std::vector<edge<_Attr>>>
class graph_base : public std::vector<_List> {
  using container_type = std::vector<_List>;
  using typename container_type::size_type;

  using container_type::size;
  using container_type::operator[];

  using node_type = size_type;
  using edge_type = typename _List::value_type;
  using weight_type = typename edge_type::value_type;

  graph_base(size_type __n = 0) : container_type(__n) {}

   * @brief Add some nodes to the graph.
   * @param __n Number of nodes added
   * @return List of indices of the nodes.
  auto add_nodes(size_type __n) noexcept {
    std::vector<node_type> __ret(__n);
    std::iota(__ret.begin(), __ret.end(), size());
    container_type::resize(__n + size());
    return __ret;

  node_type add_node() noexcept { return add_nodes(1).front(); }

  template <class... _Args>
  decltype(auto) add_edge(node_type __u, node_type __v,
                          _Args &&...__args) noexcept {
    assert(__u < size()), assert(__v < size());
    return operator[](__u).emplace_back(__u, __v,

#if __cplusplus <= 201402L

  decltype(auto) add_edge(const edge_type &__e) noexcept {
    assert(__e.tail < size()), assert(__e.head < size());
    return operator[](__e.tail).emplace_back(__e)
#if __cplusplus <= 201402L

   * @brief Single-source DFS.
   * @return Edges of DFS-tree in the search order.
  decltype(auto) dfs(node_type __r) const noexcept {
    node_type __a[]{__r};
    return dfs(__a, __a + 1);

   * @brief Multi-source DFS.
   * @return Edges of DFS-tree in the search order.
  template <class _Iterator>
  decltype(auto) dfs(_Iterator __first, _Iterator __last) const noexcept {
    return search<std::stack<edge_type, std::vector<edge_type>>>(__first,

   * @brief Single-source DFS in the complement graph.
   * @return Edges of DFS-tree in the search order.
  decltype(auto) compl_dfs(node_type __r) const noexcept {
    node_type __a[]{__r};
    return compl_dfs(__a, __a + 1);

   * @brief Multi-source DFS in the complement graph.
   * @return Edges of DFS-tree in the search order.
  template <class _Iterator>
  decltype(auto) compl_dfs(_Iterator __first, _Iterator __last) const noexcept {
    return compl_search<std::stack<edge_type, std::vector<edge_type>>>(__first,

   * @brief Single-source BFS.
   * @return Edges of BFS-tree in the search order.
  decltype(auto) bfs(node_type __r) const noexcept {
    node_type __a[]{__r};
    return bfs(__a, __a + 1);

   * @brief Multi-source BFS.
   * @return Edges of BFS-tree in the search order.
  template <class _Iterator>
  decltype(auto) bfs(_Iterator __first, _Iterator __last) const noexcept {
    return search<std::queue<edge_type>>(__first, __last);

   * @brief Single-source BFS in the complement graph.
   * @return Edges of BFS-tree in the search order.
  decltype(auto) compl_bfs(node_type __r) const noexcept {
    node_type __a[]{__r};
    return compl_bfs(__a, __a + 1);

   * @brief Multi-source BFS in the complement graph.
   * @return Edges of BFS-tree in the search order.
  template <class _Iterator>
  decltype(auto) compl_bfs(_Iterator __first, _Iterator __last) const noexcept {
    return compl_search<std::queue<edge_type>>(__first, __last);

   * @brief Single-source Dijkstra's algorithm.
   * @return Edges of shortest path tree in the search order.
  decltype(auto) dijkstra(node_type __r) const noexcept {
    node_type __a[]{__r};
    return dijkstra(__a, __a + 1);

   * @brief Multi-source Dijkstra's algorithm.
   * @return Edges of shortest path tree in the search order.
  template <class _Iterator>
  decltype(auto) dijkstra(_Iterator __first, _Iterator __last) const noexcept {
    return distance_from<std::priority_queue<edge_type, std::vector<edge_type>,

   * @brief Single-source Bellman-Ford algorithm.
   * @return Edges of shortest path tree in the search order.
  decltype(auto) bellman_ford() const noexcept {
    std::vector<node_type> __a(size());
    return bellman_ford(__a.begin(), __a.end());

   * @brief Multi-source Bellman-Ford algorithm.
   * @return Edges of shortest path tree in the search order.
  decltype(auto) bellman_ford(node_type __r) const noexcept {
    node_type __a[]{__r};
    return bellman_ford(__a, __a + 1);

  template <class _Iterator>
  decltype(auto) bellman_ford(_Iterator __first,
                              _Iterator __last) const noexcept {
    return distance_from<std::queue<edge_type>>(__first, __last);

  decltype(auto) warshall_floyd(node_type __r) const noexcept;

   * @brief Search from given vertex set.
   * @tparam _Container Queue.
  template <class _Container, class _Iterator>
  auto search(_Iterator __first, _Iterator __last) const noexcept {
    static std::vector<int_fast8_t> __visited;

    std::vector<edge_type> __tree;
    static _graph_impl::stl_queue<_Container> __queue;

    for (auto __s = __first; __s != __last; __visited[*__s++] = true)
      for (auto &&__e : operator[](*__s)) __queue.emplace(__e);

    while (!__queue.empty()) {
      auto &&__p = __queue.pop();

      if (__visited[__p.head]) continue;
      __visited[__p.head] = true;

      for (auto &&__e : operator[](__p.head)) __queue.emplace(__e);

    while (__first != __last) __visited[*__first++] = false;
    for (auto &&__e : __tree) __visited[__e.head] = false;

    return __tree;

  template <class _Container, class _Iterator>
  auto compl_search(_Iterator __first, _Iterator __last) const noexcept;

   * @brief Get distance from given vertex set.
   * @tparam _Container Queue.
  template <class _Container, class _Iterator>
  auto distance_from(_Iterator __first, _Iterator __last) const noexcept {
    struct dist_type {
      bool nil = true;
      weight_type value;

      bool update(const weight_type &__x) noexcept {
        return nil || __x < value ? nil = false, value = __x, true : false;

    static _graph_impl::stl_queue<_Container> __queue;

    static std::vector<dist_type> __dist;

    std::vector<edge_type> __tree;

    for (; __first != __last; ++__first) __queue.emplace(*__first, *__first);

    while (!__queue.empty()) {
      auto &&__p = __queue.pop();

      if (__dist[__p.head].update(__p.weight)) {
        for (auto __e : operator[](__p.head))
          __e.weight = __p.weight + __e.weight, __queue.emplace(std::move(__e));

        if (__p.tail != __p.head) __tree.emplace_back(std::move(__p));

    for (auto &&__e : __tree)
      __dist[__e.head].nil = __dist[__e.tail].nil = true;

    __tree.erase(std::remove_if(__tree.begin(), __tree.end(),
                                [&](auto &&__e) {
                                  return __dist[__e.head].value < __e.weight;

    return __tree;

}  // namespace workspace
#line 9 "src/graph/digraph.h"

namespace workspace {

template <class _Attr = _graph_impl::null,
          class _List = std::vector<edge<_Attr>>>
class digraph : public graph_base<_Attr, _List> {
  using base_type = graph_base<_Attr, _List>;

  using typename base_type::edge_type;
  using typename base_type::node_type;
  using typename base_type::size_type;

  using base_type::size;
  using base_type::operator[];

  digraph(size_type __n = 0) : base_type(__n) {}

  auto scc() const noexcept;

template <class _Weight, class _Attr = _graph_impl::null,
          class _List = std::vector<weighted_edge<_Weight, _Attr>>>
using weighted_digraph = digraph<_Attr, _List>;

}  // namespace workspace
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