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:warning: Clock


#pragma once

 * @file clock.hpp
 * @brief Clock

#include <chrono>

namespace workspace {

using namespace std::chrono;

namespace internal {
// The start time of the program.
const auto start_time{system_clock::now()};
}  // namespace internal

 * @return Elapsed time of the program.
decltype(auto) elapsed() noexcept {
  const auto end_time{system_clock::now()};
  return duration_cast<milliseconds>(end_time - internal::start_time).count();

}  // namespace workspace
#line 2 "src/sys/clock.hpp"

 * @file clock.hpp
 * @brief Clock

#include <chrono>

namespace workspace {

using namespace std::chrono;

namespace internal {
// The start time of the program.
const auto start_time{system_clock::now()};
}  // namespace internal

 * @return Elapsed time of the program.
decltype(auto) elapsed() noexcept {
  const auto end_time{system_clock::now()};
  return duration_cast<milliseconds>(end_time - internal::start_time).count();

}  // namespace workspace
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