This documentation is automatically generated by online-judge-tools/verification-helper
#define PROBLEM ""
#include <cstdio>
#include "src/data_structure/Mo.hpp"
#include "src/data_structure/compression.hpp"
#include "src/data_structure/segment_tree/basic.hpp"
int main() {
using i64 = long long;
int n, q;
scanf("%d%d", &n, &q);
std::vector<size_t> a(n);
for (auto &e : a) scanf("%d", &e);
workspace::compression ccmp(begin(a), end(a));
for (auto &&x : a) {
x = ccmp.lower_bound(x);
std::vector<int> cnt(ccmp.size());
workspace::segment_tree<int> seg(n);
i64 invs = 0;
auto addl = [&](int i) -> auto {
i = a[i];
invs += seg.fold(0, i);
auto addr = [&](int i) -> auto {
i = a[i];
invs += seg.fold(i + 1, n);
auto dell = [&](int i) -> auto {
i = a[i];
invs -= seg.fold(0, i);
auto delr = [&](int i) -> auto {
i = a[i];
invs -= seg.fold(i + 1, n);
workspace::Mo mo(addl, dell, addr, delr);
for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) {
int l, r;
scanf("%d%d", &l, &r);
mo.insert(l, r);
std::vector<i64> ans(q);
for (auto &&e : mo) {
ans[e.index] = invs;
for (i64 x : ans) printf("%lld\n", x);
#line 1 "test/library-checker/static_range_inversions_query.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM ""
#include <cstdio>
#line 2 "src/data_structure/Mo.hpp"
* @file Mo.hpp
* @brief Mo's Algorithm
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
namespace workspace {
* @brief Mo's Alorithm. Process queries about contiguous subarrays.
* @tparam _Push_back
* @tparam _Pop_back
* @tparam _Push_front Use `_Push_back` as default
* @tparam _Pop_front Use `_Pop_back` as default
template <class _Push_back, class _Pop_back, class _Push_front = _Push_back,
class _Pop_front = _Pop_back>
class Mo {
using size_type = std::size_t;
struct query {
size_type index;
size_type left, right;
using value_type = query;
using reference = query&;
using container_type = std::vector<query>;
_Push_front push_front;
_Pop_front pop_front;
_Push_back push_back;
_Pop_back pop_back;
container_type queries;
* @brief Construct a new Mo object.
* @param push_back
* @param pop_back
Mo(_Push_back push_back, _Pop_back pop_back) noexcept
: Mo(push_back, pop_back, push_back, pop_back) {}
* @brief Construct a new Mo object.
* @param push_front
* @param pop_front
* @param push_back
* @param pop_back
Mo(_Push_front push_front, _Pop_front pop_front, _Push_back push_back,
_Pop_back pop_back) noexcept
: push_front(push_front),
pop_back(pop_back) {}
* @return Number of queries.
size_type size() const noexcept { return queries.size(); }
* @brief Add a query for the interval [l, r).
* @param __l Left end, inclusive
* @param __r Right end, exclusive
* @return Index of the query.
reference insert(size_type __l, size_type __r) noexcept {
assert(__l <= __r);
queries.push_back({queries.size(), __l, __r});
return queries.back();
* @brief Sort all queries.
void make() noexcept {
size_type __n = 0;
for (const auto& __q : queries) __n = std::max(__n, __q.right);
size_type __width = ceil(__n / sqrt(size()));
std::sort(queries.begin(), queries.end(), [&](auto __x, auto __y) {
if (__x.left / __width != __y.left / __width) return __x.left < __y.left;
return __x.right < __y.right;
class iterator : public container_type::iterator {
using base = typename container_type::iterator;
Mo* __mo;
void fit(size_type __l1, size_type __r1, size_type __l2,
size_type __r2) const noexcept {
while (__l1 > __l2) __mo->push_front(--__l1);
while (__r1 < __r2) __mo->push_back(__r1++);
while (__l1 < __l2) __mo->pop_front(__l1++);
while (__r1 > __r2) __mo->pop_back(--__r1);
void fit_from_empty(size_type __l, size_type __r) const noexcept {
while (__l < __r) __mo->push_back(__l++);
void fit_to_empty(size_type __l, size_type __r) const noexcept {
while (__l < __r) __mo->push_back(--__r);
bool at_end() const noexcept { return __mo->queries.end() == *this; }
iterator() = default;
iterator(Mo* __mo, base __i) noexcept : base(__i), __mo(__mo) {
if (__i != __mo->queries.end()) fit_from_empty(__i->left, __i->right);
iterator& operator++() noexcept {
auto __l = (*this)->left, __r = (*this)->right;
if (at_end())
fit_to_empty(__l, __r);
fit(__l, __r, (*this)->left, (*this)->right);
return *this;
iterator& operator--() noexcept {
if (at_end()) {
fit_from_empty((*this)->left, (*this)->right);
} else {
size_type __l = (*this)->left, __r = (*this)->right;
fit(__l, __r, (*this)->left, (*this)->right);
return *this;
iterator operator++(int) noexcept {
auto __tmp = *this;
return __tmp;
iterator operator--(int) noexcept {
auto __tmp = *this;
return __tmp;
iterator begin() noexcept { return {this, queries.begin()}; }
iterator end() noexcept { return {this, queries.end()}; }
} // namespace workspace
#line 2 "src/data_structure/compression.hpp"
* @file compression.hpp
* @brief Compression
#include <algorithm>
#line 11 "src/data_structure/compression.hpp"
namespace workspace {
template <class _Tp> class compression {
std::vector<_Tp> __vec;
decltype(auto) begin() { return __vec.begin(); }
decltype(auto) end() { return __vec.end(); }
using size_type = typename std::vector<_Tp>::size_type;
* @brief Construct a new compression object.
compression() = default;
* @brief Construct a new compression object.
* @param __first
* @param __last
template <class _IIter>
compression(_IIter __first, _IIter __last) noexcept : __vec(__first, __last) {
decltype(auto) begin() const noexcept { return __vec.begin(); }
decltype(auto) end() const noexcept { return __vec.end(); }
decltype(auto) operator[](size_type __i) const noexcept {
assert(__i < size());
return __vec[__i];
size_type size() const noexcept { return __vec.size(); }
template <class... _Args> decltype(auto) emplace(_Args&&... __args) noexcept {
return __vec.emplace_back(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
template <class... _Args> void insert(_Args&&... __args) noexcept {
__vec.insert(end(), std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
* @brief Sort and make unique.
* @return Number of different values.
size_type make() noexcept {
std::sort(begin(), end());
__vec.erase(std::unique(begin(), end(),
[](const _Tp& __l, const _Tp& __r) {
return !(__l < __r) && !(__r < __l);
return size();
size_type lower_bound(const _Tp& __x) const noexcept {
return std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), __x) - begin();
size_type upper_bound(const _Tp& __x) const noexcept {
return std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), __x) - begin();
template <class _IIter>
compression(_IIter, _IIter)
-> compression<typename std::iterator_traits<_IIter>::value_type>;
} // namespace workspace
#line 2 "src/data_structure/segment_tree/basic.hpp"
* @file basic.hpp
* @brief Segment Tree
#line 10 "src/data_structure/segment_tree/basic.hpp"
#line 2 "src/algebra/system/monoid.hpp"
#include <limits>
namespace workspace {
template <class T, class E = T> struct min_monoid {
using value_type = T;
static T min, max;
T value;
min_monoid() : value(max) {}
min_monoid(const T &value) : value(value) {}
operator T() const { return value; }
min_monoid operator+(const min_monoid &rhs) const {
return value < rhs.value ? *this : rhs;
min_monoid operator*(const E &rhs) const;
template <class T, class E>
T min_monoid<T, E>::min = std::numeric_limits<T>::min() / 2;
template <class T, class E>
T min_monoid<T, E>::max = std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / 2;
template <class T, class E = T> struct max_monoid : min_monoid<T, E> {
using base = min_monoid<T, E>;
using base::min_monoid;
max_monoid() : base(base::min) {}
max_monoid operator+(const max_monoid &rhs) const {
return !(base::value < rhs.value) ? *this : rhs;
max_monoid operator*(const E &rhs) const;
#line 12 "src/data_structure/segment_tree/basic.hpp"
namespace workspace {
* @tparam Monoid `operator+`
* @tparam Container_tmpl `operator[]`, `size_type`
template <class Monoid, template <class...> class Container_tmpl = std::vector>
class segment_tree {
std::is_same<Monoid, decltype(std::declval<const Monoid>() +
std::declval<const Monoid>())>::value,
"\'Monoid\' has no proper binary \'operator+\'.");
struct node {
Monoid value{};
bool latest{true};
using container_type = Container_tmpl<node>;
using size_type = typename container_type::size_type;
class iterator {
segment_tree *__p;
size_type __i;
using difference_type = typename std::make_signed<size_type>::type;
using value_type = Monoid;
using reference = Monoid &;
using pointer = iterator;
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
* @brief Construct a new iterator object
iterator() = default;
* @brief Construct a new iterator object
* @param __p Pointer to a segment tree object
* @param __i Index
iterator(segment_tree *__p, size_type __i) : __p(__p), __i(__i) {}
bool operator==(iterator const &rhs) const {
return __p == rhs.__p && __i == rhs.__i;
bool operator!=(iterator const &rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
bool operator<(iterator const &rhs) const { return __i < rhs.__i; }
bool operator>(iterator const &rhs) const { return __i > rhs.__i; }
bool operator<=(iterator const &rhs) const { return __i <= rhs.__i; }
bool operator>=(iterator const &rhs) const { return __i >= rhs.__i; }
iterator &operator++() { return ++__i, *this; }
iterator &operator--() { return --__i, *this; }
difference_type operator-(iterator const &rhs) const {
return __i - rhs.__i;
* @brief
* @return reference
reference operator*() const { return __p->operator[](__i); }
using value_type = typename iterator::value_type;
using reference = typename iterator::reference;
iterator begin() { return {this, 0}; }
iterator end() { return {this, size_orig}; }
auto rbegin() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(end()); }
auto rend() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
size_type size_orig, height, size_ext;
container_type data;
Monoid const &pull(size_type __i) noexcept {
if (!data[__i].latest)
data[__i] = {pull(__i << 1) + pull(__i << 1 | 1), true};
return data[__i].value;
template <class Pred>
static constexpr decltype(std::declval<Pred>()(Monoid{})) pass_args(
Pred pred, Monoid const &_1, [[maybe_unused]] size_type _2) {
return pred(_1);
template <class Pred>
static constexpr decltype(std::declval<Pred>()(Monoid{}, size_type{}))
pass_args(Pred pred, Monoid const &_1, size_type _2) {
return pred(_1, _2);
template <class Pred>
size_type left_partition_subtree(size_type __i, Monoid mono, size_type step,
Pred pred) {
while (__i < size_ext) {
const Monoid tmp = pull((__i <<= 1) | 1) + mono;
if (pass_args(pred, tmp, ((__i | 1) << --step) ^ size_ext))
mono = tmp;
return ++__i -= size_ext;
template <class Pred>
size_type right_partition_subtree(size_type __i, Monoid mono, size_type step,
Pred pred) {
while (__i < size_ext) {
const Monoid tmp = mono + pull(__i <<= 1);
if (pass_args(pred, tmp, ((__i | 1) << --step) ^ size_ext))
++__i, mono = tmp;
return (__i -= size_ext) < size_orig ? __i : size_orig;
* @brief Construct a new segment tree object
* @param __n Number of elements.
segment_tree(size_type __n = 0)
: size_orig{__n},
height(__n > 1 ? 64 - __builtin_clzll(__n - 1) : 0),
size_ext{size_type{1} << height} {
if constexpr (std::is_constructible_v<container_type, size_t>)
data = container_type(size_ext << 1);
* @brief Construct a new segment tree object
* @tparam Tp
* @param __n Number of elements.
* @param init
template <class Tp,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<Tp, Monoid>> * = nullptr>
segment_tree(size_type __n, Tp const &init) : segment_tree(__n) {
for (auto i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) *i = init;
* @brief Construct a new segment tree object
* @tparam Iterator
* @param __first
* @param __last
template <class Iterator,
typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type, Monoid>>
* = nullptr>
segment_tree(Iterator __first, Iterator __last)
: segment_tree(std::distance(__first, __last)) {
for (auto i = begin(); __first != __last; ++i, ++__first) *i = *__first;
* @return Number of elements.
size_type size() const { return size_orig; }
* @param __i Index of the element
* @return Reference to the element.
reference operator[](size_type __i) {
assert(__i < size_orig);
__i |= size_ext;
for (size_type __j{__i >> 1}; __j && data[__j].latest; __j >>= 1)
data[__j].latest = false;
return data[__i].value;
* @param first Left end, inclusive
* @param last Right end, exclusive
* @return Sum of elements in the interval.
value_type fold(size_type first, size_type last) {
assert(last <= size_orig);
Monoid left{}, right{};
first += size_ext, last += size_ext;
while (first < last) {
if (first & 1) left = left + pull(first++);
if (last & 1) right = pull(--last) + right;
first >>= 1, last >>= 1;
return left + right;
* @return The whole sum.
value_type fold() { return fold(0, size_orig); }
* @brief Binary search for the partition point.
* @param right Right fixed end of the interval, exclusive
* @param pred Predicate in the form of either 'bool(Monoid)' or 'bool(Monoid,
* size_type)'
* @return Left end of the extremal interval satisfying the condition,
* inclusive.
template <class Pred> size_type left_partition(size_type right, Pred pred) {
assert(right <= size_orig);
right += size_ext;
Monoid mono{};
for (size_type left{size_ext}, step{}; left != right;
left >>= 1, right >>= 1, ++step) {
if ((left & 1) != (right & 1)) {
const Monoid tmp = pull(--right) + mono;
if (!pass_args(pred, tmp, (right << step) ^ size_ext))
return left_partition_subtree(right, mono, step, pred);
mono = tmp;
return 0;
* @brief Binary search for the partition point.
* @param left Left fixed end of the interval, inclusive
* @param pred Predicate in the form of either 'bool(Monoid)' or 'bool(Monoid,
* size_type)'
* @return Right end of the extremal interval satisfying the condition,
* exclusive.
template <class Pred> size_type right_partition(size_type left, Pred pred) {
assert(left <= size_orig);
left += size_ext;
Monoid mono{};
for (size_type right{size_ext << 1}, step{}; left != right;
left >>= 1, right >>= 1, ++step) {
if ((left & 1) != (right & 1)) {
const Monoid tmp = mono + pull(left);
if (!pass_args(pred, tmp, ((left + 1) << step) ^ size_ext))
return right_partition_subtree(left, mono, step, pred);
mono = tmp;
return size_orig;
} // namespace workspace
#line 8 "test/library-checker/static_range_inversions_query.test.cpp"
int main() {
using i64 = long long;
int n, q;
scanf("%d%d", &n, &q);
std::vector<size_t> a(n);
for (auto &e : a) scanf("%d", &e);
workspace::compression ccmp(begin(a), end(a));
for (auto &&x : a) {
x = ccmp.lower_bound(x);
std::vector<int> cnt(ccmp.size());
workspace::segment_tree<int> seg(n);
i64 invs = 0;
auto addl = [&](int i) -> auto {
i = a[i];
invs += seg.fold(0, i);
auto addr = [&](int i) -> auto {
i = a[i];
invs += seg.fold(i + 1, n);
auto dell = [&](int i) -> auto {
i = a[i];
invs -= seg.fold(0, i);
auto delr = [&](int i) -> auto {
i = a[i];
invs -= seg.fold(i + 1, n);
workspace::Mo mo(addl, dell, addr, delr);
for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) {
int l, r;
scanf("%d%d", &l, &r);
mo.insert(l, r);
std::vector<i64> ans(q);
for (auto &&e : mo) {
ans[e.index] = invs;
for (i64 x : ans) printf("%lld\n", x);